Sunset Church of Christ held its annual LTC awards banquet this afternoon and it went very well. The Poling kids did a great job. We were excited that Brady scored a gold in his 11th grade Speech reading. Bree earned a silver for Bible Bowl and Brittany received a gold for her scrapbook. Brady & Brittany both received the Sunset Service challenge award which is somewhat difficult to achieve. Joshua can hardly wait until he is old enough to participate in LTC.
I know it will be time for him to join in before I know it.
We are so pleased with each of our kids and their friends that just tried to do their best to glorify God with their talents.
The Family & Youth Ministry job search still new news to report yet. We are waiting to hear from a few different congregations and we still have a few more resumes to send out. Please keep us in your prayers. I am getting a little nervous about Brady having to begin his Senior year of High School in a new place. This is turning out to be quite a faith walk for me. I want him to be well adjusted and happy as he finishes up high school. I keep having to remind myself that God created him and ultimately He has Brady's best interests at heart. I find it interesting that the thoughts that will bring comfort are those that Satan attempts to thwart.
I have included a few photos that we took at LTC last weekend. Enjoy! God bless each of you and please know that you are in our prayers. Hugs M
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