Melissa Poling

Keeping up with the Polings

Sunday, April 03, 2005


Sunset Church of Christ held its annual LTC awards banquet this afternoon and it went very well. The Poling kids did a great job. We were excited that Brady scored a gold in his 11th grade Speech reading. Bree earned a silver for Bible Bowl and Brittany received a gold for her scrapbook. Brady & Brittany both received the Sunset Service challenge award which is somewhat difficult to achieve. Joshua can hardly wait until he is old enough to participate in LTC.
I know it will be time for him to join in before I know it.
We are so pleased with each of our kids and their friends that just tried to do their best to glorify God with their talents.
The Family & Youth Ministry job search still new news to report yet. We are waiting to hear from a few different congregations and we still have a few more resumes to send out. Please keep us in your prayers. I am getting a little nervous about Brady having to begin his Senior year of High School in a new place. This is turning out to be quite a faith walk for me. I want him to be well adjusted and happy as he finishes up high school. I keep having to remind myself that God created him and ultimately He has Brady's best interests at heart. I find it interesting that the thoughts that will bring comfort are those that Satan attempts to thwart.
I have included a few photos that we took at LTC last weekend. Enjoy! God bless each of you and please know that you are in our prayers. Hugs M


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