Melissa Poling

Keeping up with the Polings

Friday, April 09, 2021


 No widow may be put on the list of widows unless she is over sixty, has been faithful to her husband,  and is well known for her good deeds, such as bringing up children, showing hospitality, washing the feet of the Lord’s people, helping those in trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds.1 Timothy 5:9-10 

Grandma Webb is on my heart this morning.

She is, without a doubt, the wisest woman I have ever known. Her heart belonged to God and she had her priorities in order. When I read that scripture in 1 Timothy, I immediately thought of her. I have spent the majority of my life wanting to be like her.

I remember going to her house and spending time with her. Her house always had life in it, whether she was planting in her garden, taking care of her many grandchildren, cooking up something delicious in her kitchen, studying God’s word or praying; there was always life.

She found her joy in serving and loving Jesus. How many times did I walk into her room and see her talking to God? Too many to count. She set such a good example for me and I’m sad to say, I was too young to appreciate it at the time. When I had a question, she would stop, look at me and give me a real answer. She took me seriously. I know she had so much to do, but she never made me feel like a bother.

I remember there was a stack of letters on her living room table. I asked her about them one afternoon and she explained to me that those were letters from her students. Students? Yes, Bible students. She was teaching the Bible to people she had never met, through a Bible correspondence course. I looked at all the different stamps and addresses on each letter and I was fascinated. How did my sweet little grandmother manage to communicate the word of God to people all over the world? Once again, she was wisest woman I have ever known.  She was amazing.

When I decided to follow Jesus and was baptized, I remember going to her house the next day and telling her about it. I saw a gleam in her eye. I had never wanted to please someone more in my life, than her. I felt a connection to her then, and a hope
that maybe I had a chance to be the kind of godly woman that she was.  Life showed me very quickly that it would be very hard to try to imitate her as she imitated Christ. After all my failures though, I realize that’s part of living on the earth, I can’t do it on my own, my perfection is found in Christ. I’m now even more in awe of her submission to God. She laid her life aside and allowed Him to work through her.

I still see her sitting on her bed, reading the word and smiling at me, telling me her dreams for me to grow up and be a godly woman, a woman who wanted to please God more than anyone else. As I continue my journey, I carry her with me in my heart. I’m encouraged on days like this, when I miss her so much, because I am reminded that I will see her again, standing there, holding hands with Jesus and welcoming me home.  

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Global Warming

I've been known to poke my head out of my own little universe to see what the world is up to. I don't usually stay long, because I rarely like what I see. It's a cold place, the world. People aren't very nice to each other and I don't do well with rudeness. Do you ever wonder how we ended up in this mess? It hasn't always been like this. Wasn't life once a joyful, double dipped cone of sweetness? So why were compassion and caring left in the dirt with Little House On The Prarie and Saturday morning cartoons?
I remember my childhood very fondly. People spoke to each other in the A & P. If you needed help to your car, someone would gladly be there with a smile to assist you. Drivers would stop at stop signs. Gas stations were full service. The lady who checked out my books at the library always asked me if I was doing well in school (she still asks me that by the way, but that's another story for another time). No one was trying to drown you at the city pool or steal your Coppertone out of your pool bag. If my bike had a flat, the man at the gas station would happily air it up for me for free.
So, what's going on out there now? What happened to all those helpful, encouraging humans that made this world bearable?
I am going out on a limb here and guessing that we all miss those friendlier days. My challenge to you today is to be the exception to the rule. YOU go be that smiling helpful person who makes someone else's day a bit sunnier. Take a meal to your next door neighbor and stay for a minute to pet her cat. Ask the bag boy at the grocery store how he's doing in school. Send your preacher a note of encouragement. Hold the door open for someone or say "Thank you" to your waitress.
We can do this. WE can make this world like it used to be.
I'm going to try to spend more time making a difference in the lives of others who need encouragement.
How about you?
Are you up for the task?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sick Day

Joshua has a respiratory virus. He started running a fever Sunday night to go with his cough, so I slipped into MP mode and hauled him to the doctor this morning.
MP stands for "Mom Panic." Coincidence that it is also my initials?
God has a nice sense of humor.

So my baby is lying on the couch watching quality television.

Wishing his mother would stop taking pictures of him.

He loves Supernatural. An afternoon of demon slaying and the occasional  bad word.
Don't judge.... it's how I keep him from announcing, "I'm sooo bored" every ten seconds.

I keep asking him if he needs anything. His response is always the same, "Can you scratch my back?".  If I don't respond quickly enough, he looks at me with his sweet blue eyes and says, "Please."
I've learned to type one handed today.

That boy has a lot of his dad in him.

So we are watching the Supernatural season finale and the opening scene is accompanied by "Carry On" by Kansas.
Josh immediately sat up and told me how much he loves this song.

I was ten when it was on the radio.

He has alot of his mom in him too.

I really like it when my kids stay home from school.
Bonding, spoiling and demon killing aren't bad side effects from cough syrup.

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